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A quick overview of mySB, it gives you a blank canvas. Allows you to place apps and move them wherever you like, change the app icon to whatever you like (without Anemone), add widgets and basically own your homescreen like never before.

mySB is a blank canvas. When you apply it you will have a blank screen. Triple tap on the screen to invoke mySB Menu.

Enable FrontPage, select on top of icons, hide icons, dock and dots, press open menu, select mySB. Respring is recommended

Weather uses you must have this installed. Enable location services and set to always update

Date and times are set in settings/general/date and Time

Read the documentation link below!

iOS 9 - iOS 13 (including A12)

No known conflicts

No reqirements

Requires Login


· Added drag option for badge (badge options) and all icons (under align menu)

· Fixed color input moving the page

· Fixed menu repositioning

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